If you look in any horse directory or browse through the actual blanket section of virtually any tack store you may immediately notice that there's a wide selection of several different kinds of blankets. To the uninitiated the exact use for each of these blankets may be confusing.

Turn-out rugs are exactly what they sound like. Turn-out rugs are blankets that are sturdy sufficient to handle the wear as well as tear of life outside. They are designed to hold up to the roughest associated with play. They are also made to rip if the horse gets caught about something in their field http://www.designerliving.com/%2FRugs-C185.aspx.

There are two types of turn-out rugs. ruger The heavy selection are designed to be used throughout the cold winter months while the lighter blankets (the lighter variety of blankets are typically called sheets while the heavier sort are called rugs).

Quarter sheets are strange looking things. http://www.designerliving.com/%2FRugs-C185.aspx Held next to the full size bedding and rugs they appear like somebody didn't remember to attach the coming from half of the quilt. Blanket designers have not forgotten a thing. 1 / 4 sheets are designed to connect to the saddle and cover the farm pets haunches. These blankets are typically used to keep any horses muscles comfortable while the rider.

delays to go into the show ring after a rider has finished their pre-class schooling session. A few riders decide to spend less and instead of purchasing a quarter sheet they simply use their steady sheet folded by 50 percent to cover their equine.

Stable sheets are usually light weight sheets which can be too thin to be used outside of the stabling area. They can be used to cover the particular horse after its been groomed and bathed. They have the very specific intent behind keeping the mount clean. Some riders use stable sheets to cover a mount while it is being transferred. Many large stables get their stable sheets

Chillers are another type of blanket that are self-explanatory. Coolers they fit on a hot equine to help slow the particular cooling process. They will cover the entire equine, ear to end. The open design of coolers allows the air circulation through them. Coolers are typically custom designed inside a stables colors and can end up being monogrammed. Several shows give away coolers, rather than trophies and ribbons, as an reward for high point titles.

Fly sheets are usually blankets that are designed to help in keeping flies from pestering their horses. Horse owners can choose from a close knit fly page or one that has a large weave pattern.

Quilt liners are typically created from thin sleek material that is built to slide smoothly throughout the horses muscles with out rubbing off the hair or chaffing the skin. Usually blanket liners cover only the horses upper body and shoulders where blankets typically use at the horses hair.

No matter what type of blanket you decide to use it is very important to make sure that the blanket properly fits your own horse.